
From CryptoWiki


  • Secureum is a newsletter about observations, learnings and perspectives on security topics in Ethereum. Paused after 10 editions (19-7-2021): "was paused to focus on identifying the best way forward for Secureum to have a more tangible impact in the domain of smart contract security."
  • Then came back with a Bootcamp for Smart Contract Auditing. From their blog (2-10-2022):

"Secureum is a community-centric initiative focussing on the education and evaluation of Ethereum security. It is widely recognized for its smart contract security bootcamps where it collaborates with security partners such as Certora, Trail of Bits, ConsenSys Diligence, Sigma Prime, Sherlock, Spearbit and security-minded protocols such as Aave to raise the bar of Ethereum smart contract security."

Team, Funding, Partners

"Has received a funding grant from the prestigious Ethereum Foundation’s Ecosystem Support Program and sponsored partnerships with three leading security auditing firms: ConsenSys Diligence, Sigma Prime and Trail of Bits."