User:5imp5on/Main Page beta

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Revision as of 10:10, 25 March 2022 by 5imp5on (talk | contribs)

Welcome to CryptoWiki,

The free crypto encyclopedia for you to DYOR.
Formerly known as the DYOR Crypto Wiki
4,022 articles in English

Cryptocurrency Projects

There are thousands of cryptocurrency projects emerging since Bitcoin was first created in 2008. Créer une crypto-monnaie est aujourd'hui relativement facile, c’est pourquoi une forte augmentation de projets crypto a pu être constatée ces dernières années. Il existait moins de 70 crypto monnaies en 2013.

This wiki has a long list of cryptocurrencies from Bitcoin and Ethereum to small caps and maybe the next unicorn. You will find a lot of information for each of your favorite project: project history, it's ecosystem, tokenomics, technology used, project team, problem solving.

For your research convenience, you can look for any project between these classifications:

  • Layer one (L1): are ecosystem blockchains that that has its own caracteristics, programming language, validattion consensus and can host multiple projects on its chain.
  • Layer two (L2): for scaling reasons, L2 aim to move transactions and contracts off-chain and bundle them into proofs that are submitted back to the main chain (L1)
  • Privacy coins:
  • NFT and gaming:
  • DeFi:
  • use case token:
  • unclassified: dogecoin

Complete list of crypto projects: Cryptocurrency list

Here are the latest created or modified projects pages :

Crypto Glossary

The cryptosphere is a complex world where your vocabulary has to stay up to date.

La crypto-monnaie n'est pas seulement un nouveau secteur d'investissement et, à bien des égards, est un monde complètement différent du monde de la finance traditionnelle. Entre les acronymes bizarres, les nouvelles technologies et les phénomènes de réseaux sociaux.

Ce wiki vous aidera à accroitre vos connaissances techniques et, par la suite, optimiser vos stratégies d’investissement. Sans oublier les nombreuses touches d’humour qui résident dans ce monde incroyable.

  • You will find explanations on terms and slang often used on social networks. Stuff like Degen, WAGMI or HFSP are fun words described in this wiki.
  • Also have a look at all the trading and economic jargon if you don't want to get lost watching some token analysis video. You can first learn about fully diluted market cap, whales, DEX, Futures Contract.
  • There is a lot to learn on DeFi specific volabulary: Staking, Yield Farming

Some examples of our latest created or modified concepts/jargon pages :

People Involved

Notre rubrique Personnalités Crypto a pour but de vous présenter une large gamme de profils et d’histoires de personnes interagissant avec le monde des cryptos.

On y trouve des gens qui viennent tout juste de rejoindre cet univers, des experts reconnus provenant d’autres industries, des leaders en technologie autodidactes, des activistes, des critiques, mais aussi des gens parmi les personnes les plus influentes de la blockchain.

Il y a une tonne d’histoires à raconter sur ces gens qui travaillent dans le monde des cryptomonnaies et sur les personnalités blockchain, et certaines d’entre elles sont tout simplement incroyables.

Where you can find out that Jesse Powell played Magic the Gathering with Roger Ver in high school or in how many projects Anthony Di Lorio is involved. Read about the DeFi famous Andre Cronje, Stani or Kain. Get to know Steven Nerayoff, a man who is involved with at least 9 cryptocurrencies and who then got charged with extortion.

Check out our latest created or modified people pages :

Live Cryptocurrency Prices
Companies / Organizations Involved

Many groups and projects that circle around this Crypto mania. Exchanges like Binance, wallets like Jaxx. See all the intertwined links a company like Digital Currency Group has. You can find universities, non-profits but also known names like Google and Microsoft have a lot of links with crypto projects these days. And what would a cryptocurrency wiki be without Decentralized Autonomous Organisations? Learn about DXdao, Yellow Hat DAO and the MolochDAO.

  • investment,
  • development,
  • news,
  • universities, non-profits
  • sites analyses (glassnode),
  • exchange,
  • wallets

Some examples of our latest created or modified companies/organisations pages :

Community and Contribution

All the Information you will find in this wiki is not the community's opinion, and we all try to stay as neutral as possible.

If you find any info that is missing, outdated, or just plain wrong you can of course join this Wiki’s community by signing up and add your own pages.

The wisdom of the crowd helps us all! You can also email at with suggestions and sources.

This wiki highly appreciates anyone to contribute information and help grow our knowledge further. We ask people politely to never shill projects, keep it neutral and factual and of course use as many sources as possible. Join us, we need your help.

If you want to add a new project, feel free to use this template. Just copy paste the inside text and start adding information. Instructions and advices for news projects...

Twitter account : CryptoWiki Twitter

Knowledge empowers us all and will help us get closer to the decentralized world we all want to live in!

Crypto Market / News
Le Marché de la crypto-monnaie est un univers complexe. La Capitalisation du marché de la crypto-monnaie ainsi que le taux de change de la monnaie étant très volatile, la spéculation sur ces actifs demeure très risquée.

C'est pourquoi il faut se tenir informé et rester à jour sur l'état du marché et des informations qui arrivent à grande vitesse.

Voici les dernières News du monde des crypto-monnaies :

Ce wiki recueille toutes les informations sur Bitcoin et les autres crypto-monnaies. Rejoignez-nous, nous avons besoin de votre aide.

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In cryptocurrency we trust!