From CryptoWiki


"LSDai: Get high on Interest! (winning hack @ETHBerlinZwei 2019)

  1. Introduction en
  2. Product Demo:"

"One of the central things the Yellow Hats seem to like to play with is the permissionless aspect of wrapping one thing inside another that blockchain protocols enable. To see how weird and fun this can get, let’s look at LSDai, one of their projects.

So we have Dai, which is created by depositing ETH into a contract. You can then take the Dai and deposit that into another (interest bearing, this time, e.g. Compound) contract and get rDai which is redeemable for your locked up Dai. LSDai takes that rDai as an input, and creates short and long Dai interest tokens, so that people can hedge the interest rate offered by (again, e.g.) Compound."