Cryptocurrency Research Group (CCRG)

From CryptoWiki


  • Is defunt (2022).
  • “The Cryptocurrency Research Group is the first formal cross-disciplinary research network focused on studying cryptocurrencies and other decentralized consensus technologies. CCRG affiliates span a wide range of disciplines including mathematics, cryptography, economics, and law. The goal of the CCRG is to understand decentralized consensus technology, its application and potential impact on the world, and to promulgate that understanding to the research community and to the public.”
  • From a Cosmos blog (25-9-2022):

"By the end of 2014, a growing community of cryptocurrency researchers had come together online in the form of the CryptoCurrency Research Group, largely convinced that Proof of Stake cryptocurrencies were the future of blockchains. They set off to build that future. Among them were Vitalik Buterin, Vlad Zamfir, Ethan Buchman, Jae Kwon, Zaki Manian, Dominic Williams, Arthur Brietman, and others. Vitalik had invented Ethereum, and Vlad had been working as a leading researcher there. Ethan worked closely with Vlad and was contributing to go-ethereum. Jae Kwon had invented Tendermint. Dominic was working on the ideas that would become Dfinity. Arthur had invented Tezos. Zaki was running a supply-chain focused blockchain startup called SkuChain at the time, and was otherwise already everywhere.

A cryptoeconomics google group was created. Jae later created a second cryptofinance group to continue discussions."


  • Is a non-profit Affiliate of Consensys
  • James-Lubin, Kieren; one of the founding directors
  • Buterin, Vitalik; member
  • Wright, Aaron; one of the founding directors
  • Vlad Zamfir; member
  • Ethan Buchman; member
  • Jae Kwon; member
  • Zaki Manian; member
  • Dominic Williams; member
  • Arthur Brietman; member