Eric Wall

From CryptoWiki


  • Critical on CT and widely associated with the Rainbow Chart, which he himself makes fun of.
  • From his page (24-1-2023):

"i am a swedish native, i have a msc. in computer science from the faculty of engineering, lund university where i specialized in blockchain technology. i used to be a bitcoin maximalist, but since bitcoin never enabled drivechains, i now work on both bitcoin and non-bitcoin projects, with a specific interest in ethereum l2s.

in the past, i worked at a technology company, cinnober, which built a significant part of the global clearing infrastructure and later became acquired by nasdaq. following that, i was the chief investment officer of arcane assets 2019-2022.

i’ve acted as an expert witness on multiple cryptocurrency court cases and have won awards for exposing flaws in cryptocurrency projects."



  • Has mentioned he considers BTC, ETH and Celestia the only true innovations of crypto so far (10-2022).
  • Celestia; participated in their $55M raise (20-10-2022).
  • From his disclosure page (24-1-2023):
  1. "i am an angel investor and/or supporter of lido, fuel, celestia, so-col, l2beat and sovereign labs
  2. i am a board member of starknet foundation
  3. i am a mtgox creditor (btc)
  4. i do not have any time-locked stakes, such as eth or hex"