Get Protocol (GET)

From CryptoWiki

NFT ticketing provider


  • Based in: Amsterdam
  • Started in / Announced on: 2017
  • Testnet release:
  • Mainnet release:


Audits & Exploits



Admin Keys


Notable Governance Votes




  • From their docs (2-2023):

"GET Protocol was funded by ICO which finalized on the 13th of December 2017. The average ICO rate for $GET was 0.00102483 ETH / GET with the total amount of ETH raised being: 10,935 ETH."

Token Allocation

  • The total and circulating supply of GET is as follows (from their docs):
Supply Amount
Circulating Supply 17,414,673
Total Supply (Fixed supply) 23,368,733

Total Supply distribution:

Text Amount
Circulating Supply 17,414,673
GET Protocol DAO Treasury 2,600,000
User Growth Fund 3,354,100


  • From their docs (2-2023):

"$GET is the fuel for each and every ticket processed through GET Protocol."

And next page

"During February 2022, the GET Protocol staking platform was launched. This staking platform allows GET token holders to stake their GET in order to receive rewards from ticketing activity occurring through the protocol. When a user deposits GET into the staking system, they will receive a new token in the form of the xGET token."

For more on it's staking, see below.

Other Details

Coin Distribution


  • Whitepaper or docs can be found [insert here].
  • ICO code can be viewed here. Rest is closed source (28-3-2023). But (8-2022): "We're in the process of open-sourcing our new V2 contracts and the repository will be linked here when available. All of our contracts have been verified on PolygonScan and the original source code is visible there."
  • Deployed on Polygon (9-2021), token on both Poly and Ethereum.

How it works


  • From their docs (2-2023):

"The staking system currently aggregates four sources of rewards that are regularly distributed:

  1. A percentage of Ticketing Fees from fuel usage is redeemable as staking rewards upon each ticket check-in or invalidation. This can create streaming rewards to stakers driven by real-world ticketing usage. 100% of UGF funded top-ups will go to stakers.
  2. A percentage of Trading Fees collected by protocol-owned-liquidity will be available as staking rewards. The GET collected fees will be transferred to the staking contract and the ETH/USDC collected fees will compound the position.
  3. Instant Withdrawal Fees are triggered when a staker withdraws their assets prior to the unlock time. This fee will remain on the contract and be distributed to remaining stakers.
  4. When a staker wishes to withdraw via a standard withdrawal their shares will be locked within the vault. The staker does not earn rewards during this withdrawal period but the underlying shares still acrrue this value, which is then redistributed to remaining stakers upon cancellation or withdrawal execution. These are known as Redistributed Rewards."



  • From their docs (2-2023):

"[Staking has] a normal withdrawal which comes with a 6 month unstake period or an instant withdrawal which has a 15% penalty that linearly reduces based on the time left on the unstaking period for a GET withdrawal. Once the 6 month period completes, the user must execute the withdrawal in order to receive their GET. This execution period lasts for a 1 month time period. If the GET is not withdrawn during this 1 month period then the GET will return to being staked for the user."

Liquidity Mining



Other Details

Oracle Method

Their Other Projects


  • Can be found [Insert link here].



Projects that use or built on it


Pros and Cons



Team, Funding and Partners


  • Full team can be found [here].


  • From their docs (2-2023):

"GET Protocol was funded by ICO which finalized on the 13th of December 2017. The average ICO rate for $GET was 0.00102483 ETH / GET with the total amount of ETH raised being: 10,935 ETH." [~$7.6M $ at the time].



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