Flexible Transactions

From CryptoWiki


Started as an alternative solution when it became apparent that Segregates Witness was not going to be adopted soon.

“In the original Bitcoin 0.1 release Satoshi Nakamoto included a design that is a very good indication of his intentions for the future. He included a version field for transactions. This means that we can cleanly upgrade the transaction format by creating a new version. People can then choose on creation if they want to use the new or the old format.

The old format has run out of place to add new features, it has accumulated lots of not very clean hacks to make it continue working. New features can not be added in any safe way. It is time to look for a new format that we can use for decades to come.

Flexible Transactions is that format, it has the version number '4' and it has been designed and programmed in Bitcoin Classic by Tom Zander. It solves a long list of problems that have eluded solution for years and it has been designed with future growth in mind. Flexible Transactions allows future upgrades to be done in a much clearer and controlled fashion making this stepping stone for cleaner and faster development which will hold your coins value safe.

Flexible Transactions is still under development and can not be used on main-net yet. However, it is feature complete and being tested. Bitcoin Classic is the main client with support included in version 1.2 and later.”

Bitcoin issues fixed by Flexible Transactions:

  • Malleability (more)
  • Linear scaling of signature checking (more)
  • Hardware wallet support (proofs) (more)
  • Very flexible future extensibility
  • Double Spend Proofs
  • Makes transactions smaller
  • Supports the Lightning Network
  • Support future Scripting version increase