
From CryptoWiki

Cryptocurrency news site and mining pool.

Heavily supporting Bitcoin Cash (9-2018) and now the Bitcoin SV implementation (11-2018)

Owned by Calvin Ayre and closely related to nChain

Has partnerships with: Lokad Terab Project & StackLab

"StackLab seeks to create technology hubs in next-generation cities of the Philippines, and the first of its blockchain training programs will be in the city of Iloilo.

A minimum of 50 developers will be trained on developments skills focusing on the Bitcoin BCH blockchain. Trainees will be selected at a coding tournament using a the world’s most unbiased programmer capability evaluation test, which was funded by the World Bank and is recognized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); only participants testing in the top two levels (top 2% and 11%) will qualify for the StackLab program. After the complete the 6-month training program, the developer trainees will receive support from StackLab to find employment – with the aim of transforming developing cities such as Iloilo into new technology centers for the Philippines.

Also joining the program will be nChain, the global leader in blockchain research and development based in London, United Kingdom. nChain will help shape the training program curriculum, and provide projects for the trainees to work on."

Gave a 5M pound award to Tokenized, of which one of the team members made the Satoshi's Shotgun project.