Amaury Séchet

From CryptoWiki

  • At the “Future of Bitcoin” conference a developer named Amaury Séchet revealed the Bitcoin ABC” (Adjustable Blocksize Cap) project and told the audience about the upcoming UAHF.
  • Following Séchet’s announcement and after Bitcoin ABC’s first client release, the project “Bitcoin Cash” (BCH) was announced. Bitcoin Cash will be pretty much the same as BTC minus a few things, like the Segregated Witness (Segwit) implementation and the Replace-by-Fee (RBF) feature.
  • At the two year mark of BCH Amaury struck a more grave tone, saying the future of BCH might not be so shiny. The website of Bitcoin ABC also showed they are in need of funds for developing.
  • Amaury, Bitcoin ABC dev, got famous for finding a big bug in Bitcoin Core