Adam Back

From CryptoWiki


"Adam Back is a computer scientist, cryptographer, cypherpunk and entrepreneur who laid the groundwork for Bitcoin’s proof-of-work mining consensus algorithm with his 1997 invention of Hashcash, which gained him a mention in the Bitcoin white paper. Back exchanged a few emails with Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 and 2009. Because of his cypherpunk background and early involvement in Bitcoin, many believe he could be Satoshi Nakamoto. Back received a PhD in computer science focused on distributed systems at the University of Exeter, where he became interested in PGP encryption, electronic cash and applied cryptography.

Throughout his career as a cryptographer and security architect, he has worked in senior roles for major technology companies including Microsoft, EMC, PI, VMware and Zero-Knowledge Systems, to name a few, while advising many others on cryptography and P2P finance.

In 2014, Back co-founded Canada-based Blockstream with a few others, including Bitcoin developers Pieter Wuille and Gregory Maxwell. In 2018, Back became CEO of Blockstream, where he has remained since."

