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"After being laid off from his junior engineering position at Siemens and living at home with his parents, a career opportunity came knocking: Uniswap. Buterin’s article was sent to Adams by Karl Floersch in the fall of 2017 and would become his first project. Floersch was a college friend of Adams’ then working at the Ethereum Foundation. He is now the chief technical officer at blockchain scaling firm Optimism

Two seemingly inconsequential decisions Adams made in 2017 would set the stage for 2020’s DeFi bull run. First, he bought ETH in March 2017. Second, he learned to code while living at his parents’ house.

Luckily, Floersch had it all figured out for Adams. There was an acute lack of smart contract developers for Ethereum, a smart contract blockchain, Floersch told Adams. So, Adams began to learn JavaScript and Solidity as encouraged by a dramatic upswing in the price of cryptocurrencies in the summer of 2017."

