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  • From this blog (25-6-2020):

"Pods is a decentralized non-custodial options protocol built on Ethereum, where users can participate as sellers or buyers of either puts or calls."


  • From this blog (25-6-2020):

"The team has previous DeFi options experience. Some previously worked for Mainframe and launched ohmydai in November 2019. Pods seems to be an expansion of that initial concept born during HackMoney, a 30-day virtual DeFi hackathon event hosted by ETHGlobal, and a variety of top-notch DeFi outfits, earlier this year."

Audits & Exploits

  • From this blog (25-6-2020):

"The first trial was made for two different puts with two different underlying assets, WBTC and UMA’s ETHBTC. Pods is still on testnet and as yet unaudited."


  • "Pods Finance fixed a logic error which could result in the theft of yield after it was responsibly disclosed by Csanuragjain."


Admin Keys





Token Distribution


Other Details


Coin Distribution


How it works

  • From this blog (25-6-2020):

"Pods options are American style with physical settlement, with 100% collateralization of the strike assets, leaving no exposure to price oracles and liquidation systems. Pods options are quite similar to the OPYN model and tokenized into an ERC-20 primitive called odTokens. The calls and puts are appropriately called codTokens and podTokens and can be transacted on Uniswap for liquidity.

What makes Pods interesting is that it intends to move a step further with DeFi composability. Since providing liquidity for options minting is a choice between the return you would get from minting and the return you would get from staking that collateral on a money market protocol, Pods has made that choice much easier. By integrating the aTokens of Aave as collateral on its testnet, Pods uses Money Legos to let you earn both. Eliminating this choice should theoretically increase the incentive to write options and be more capital efficient when selling put options. In short, instead of locking up USDC or DAI for the duration of the option when minting put options tokens, Pods allows for locking up an interest-bearing token (such as aUSDC) inside an option’s contract as collateral."

Fee Mechanism



Liquidity Mining



Different Implementations

Other Details

Oracle Method

Privacy Method


Their Other Projects


  • Can be found [Insert link here].


Projects that use or built on it


Pros and Cons



Team, Funding, Partners


  • Full team can be found [here].
  • Stani Kulechov; investor (30-1-2021). "Kulechov said he liked Pods because it was a team of very young people from Brazil who were traveling around to hackathons to build out early versions of their product."


"Pods Finance Inc. has closed a [$800k] pre-seed round with Boost VC, Framework Ventures, P2P Capital, BitScale, Zeeprime, The LAO, and additional DeFi angel investors by August 2020."



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