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"History: As the world’s first mining pool, Slush can trace its history all the way back to November 2010, when it was first proposed under the name Bitcoin Pooled Mining Server. Slush, which began as a one-man operation, has gone on to mine over 1 million BTC.

Trivia: In March 2018, Slush Pool mined the first BTC block using Asicboost technology."

  • Coins mined: BTC, ZEC
  • Has a policy to let individual miners connected to the pool decide whether they want to signal support (for SegWit or other systems) in blocks they find, rather than having the pool decide for them. “Satoshi’s idea was not to have a few entities control the network. As a mining pool we shouldn’t rule.”
  • Is SegWit ready
  • Since 2010, it’s mined over 1 million BTC and now (19-3-2019) boasts 8,500 miners and a hash rate of more than 5 EH/s – an increase of 8.4 billion X in nine years.

Team, investors, etc.

  • Palatinus, Marek (“Slush”); pool operator
  • Partnered with Rootstok