Quadratic Voting (QV)

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Revision as of 09:16, 13 October 2022 by Grand Master Pepe (talk | contribs)
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"Simply put, rather than the usual 1 person 1 vote (1p1v) or using capital as voting weight (e.g. those who can afford the most can buy the most votes in a linear fashion e.g. 1 vote costs $1, someone with $1m can buy 1 million votes), QV sees a voter purchase the square of the number of votes they wish to buy per issue.

For example, 1 vote would still cost $1. But 3 votes would cost $9, 8 votes would cost $64 and so on. The rationale behind QV is that voters would therefore use their resources to buy the votes for the issues that affect them the most and they feel the strongest about, but equally if they were to spread across all issues then they would achieve a more efficient use of resources (e.g. a voter contributing 4 votes to a single issue would cost them $16, but if they were to vote on 16 separate issues it would still only cost $16)."

"Q: is quadratic voting an active feature on jokedao?

A: no since it's gameable without sybil disincentivization mechanisms — ie anyone could just transfer their tokens to multiple accounts to increase voting power. *but* what you can do is airdrop the voting token to match quadratic voting. so say you're dropping a voting token to holders of $MKR. you could just take the square root of their $MKR holdings and make that the number of voting tokens you airdrop to each."