Bitshares (BTS)

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Typea DAC
Ticker symbolBTS
Consensus mechanismDelegated PoS
Total supply3.76B


  • FKA Protoshares.
  • Inflationary economic model, Inflation: 6,3% and decreasing
  • A DAC
  • In a nutshell, Bitshares is a decentralized peer-to-peer crypto-currency like Bitcoin that allows you to trade other entities that can be anything, from Gold to Apple stock to Bitcoin.
  • Bitshares is a decentralised exchange which has the benefits of increased security and equality between market orders (No high frequency trading, front running, hidden orders or location bias). Digital tokens of common physical assets such as gold also exist on this platform, however, these are not actually backed by the real physical assets as other platforms intend to do. It has pegged fiat cryptocurrencies and zero fees.
  • Tokens, shares, pegs and DAO's. BitShares was originally an experiment to test the economic theory behind a new kind of prediction market. This experiment creates a decentralized bank and exchange that uses a decentralized transaction ledger secured by DPOS to create fungible digital assets that are market-pegged to the value of anything from dollars, to gold, to gallons of gasoline.
  • A broad term which encompasses all Distributed Autonomous Companies that spawn from ideas and code put forward by Invictus Innovations.Which is a (regular) company fronted by Co-Founder, Daniel Larimer. Invictus creates Distributed Autonomous Companies (DACs) under the Bitshares banner. These DACs are released to the public and honour Bitshares PTS (fka ProtoShares) and Bitshares AGS holders with part ownership in these DACs. UPDATE: however, by the year of 2018 the focus of the company had shifted towards EOS.


Team, etc.

Cons and pros


  • From what I can see there is no legal backing behind their digitized assets.
  • Never really took off
