Scott Lewis

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Revision as of 09:37, 7 February 2022 by wiki_crypto>Zeb.dyor


"In early 2019, 1inch Founder Sergej Kunz called foul play. He alleged that DeFi Pulse Founder Scott Lewis stole code from 1inch and used it to power his own competitor, DEX AG. Lewis, in turn, denies this. Around the same time, Kunz and his team fended off a denial-of-service attack. They traced the attack to Toronto, the Canadian city where DeFi Pulse’s CTO lived at the time, and threatened to ask the police to settle the matter.

Then, when squaring off against Lewis on Telegram, Kunz invited Lewis to “get into the cage”—Kunz’s natural habitat: “I have [a] brown belt [in] karate and a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu,” he told us. In the cage, Lewis “will not have a change [sic] to escape,” wrote Kunz on Telegram. Kunz clarified to us that this was “a joke, because I guess no one would come.”

Still, Lewis took this as a physical threat and, by this point, had had enough. He vowed never to speak to Kunz again and muted 1inch from his life. “Not going to ask our team to risk getting treated like that again,” he said."

