Helium Inu (Hinu)

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  • Based in: Japan
  • Started in / Announced on: 5-12-2022
  • Helium Inu is a meme coin on the binance smart chain.
  • Contract address: 0x799059f1b6ba7b85500e70c6d14230ceab4b14f8
  • Website: Hinutoken.xyz


  • From the announcement from the founder (17-12-2020):

"We created Helium-Inu because we were scammed by the developer of Tungsten Shiba. Instead of being mad, we were productive. Designed as the anti-rugpull coin, Helium-Inu is an organically grown, grassroots community. We are already developing a strong subculture that's absolutely infectious. If feels and friends motivate you, we are the right people. We're all going to float, friends."


Token Allocation

1,000,000,000 Hinu

Maximum wallet size of 1.5%.

10% Transaction tax.

5% BUSD reflections to reduce sell pressure of larger wallets as we rise in price. 4% LP tax to keep a healthy floor price, and 1% marketing tax. We are smart with our funds, not spendy.


"We have a genuine Unreal Engine savant on the team with 5+ years of experience, and an experienced coder working with us to build a 3d shooter which integrates with our NFT collection as playable character skins and abilities. We will be accepting 3d models as submissions from other smaller development teams as a way to advertise their token in our game, ergo, WE get paid in advertisements, and some of that money continues to be sent in BUSD to holders. Side note here, because I generally don't like microtransactions: All gameplay abilities are earnable through gameplay, and most skins are going to be earnable as well This is not pay to win.

The game will also feature, and this is the biggest thing in my mind to potential investors, a genuine BSC Wars game mode. Simply put, both teams deposit however much BNB they want via our dApp. Each team chooses what they want the payout to be in, any BSC token they wish. The losing team loses their BNB, the winning team wins all, AND the coin they voted for gets a small pump, depending on how large the game is.". Link to reddit article

Coin Distribution

Team Contact

Subreddit: r/heliuminu

Discord: https://discord.gg/ZCNWjKEx

Twitter: @HINUDev

Telegram: https://t.me/helium_inu

Website: Hinutoken.xyz