Emercoin (EMC)

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  • Currency
  • Notaries and records, DNS stuff
  • No Premine or Presale

Democracy Notary

  • Was piloted in the Democracy Notary platform in Macedonia for free:

"The Democracy Notary was born from a collaboration between the Design 4 Democracy Coalition (D4D), the Blockchain Trust Accelerator (BTA), NDI, and blockchain software development company Emercoin.

On September 30, Macedonia held a critical referendum on formally changing the country’s name to the Republic of North Macedonia, as part of a landmark agreement with Greece after a nearly three decade dispute. In return, Greece promised to lift its longstanding veto to allow Macedonia to enter NATO and open doors for EU accession process. While the government promoted a public campaign to get out the vote – and to vote for the change – a movement to boycott the referendum was promoted largely online and through social networks that included aggressively disseminated disinformation.

Amid this environment, NDI and its partners piloted the Democracy Notary platform, using a special blockchain built by Emercoin, where NDI logged potentially influential reports from an independent, and non-partisan civil society group. With this infrastructure in place, the Democracy Notary made it possible to demonstrate whether an ostensible copy of a statement was legitimate – or a modified forgery.

This trial of the Democracy Notary platform improved understanding of how blockchain technology can be leveraged to verify civil society reports." 

Team, etc.

  • Kostiantyn Bigus, the managing partner of Emercoin in the Democracy Notary platform said that the "company invested its time and effort, pro bono"