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Revision as of 06:13, 16 January 2023 by Grand Master Pepe (talk | contribs)
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  • Not to be confused with Fluidity the reward project.
  • Has a joint venture with Consensys called AirSwap, but on the AirSwap website Fluidity is called the "parent-company of AirSwap"
  • "Fluidity Summit is an annual gathering of the key players in the distributed ledger technology ecosystem, on a mission to connect the worlds of old and new finance."

Team, partnerships, investors


  • Michael Oved; co-founder, "Prior to AirSwap, Oved was a leader and partner at Virtu, where he helped grow the organization through its IPO in 2015. Oved graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with dual degrees in Mathematics and Economics."
  • Don Mosites; Co-Founder, "Don is an entrepreneur, product leader, and engineer with over a decade of experience with technology companies including Google and Zynga. Don holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Information Systems from Carnegie Mellon University."
  • Sam Tabar; Co-Founder, "Sam has 15 years of expertise in the finance industry. Tabar was Head of Capital Strategy at Bank of America Merrill Lynch and prior to that, he led marketing for Sparx, the largest asset manager in Japan. He is a graduate of Columbia Law School and Oxford University."
  • Many of the other team members also come from Carnegie or Columbia


A bunch, some are:
