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"Lunie had its start in 2017 in the early Cosmos wallet being developed by All in Bits, where it was once upon a time called Voyager. Jordan Bibla, Lunie’s CEO, and Fabian “Fabo” Weber, their CTO, joined All in Bits at the same time in October 2017 and brought significant product and design oriented focus to the Lunie team and product, as well as to the company’s other engineering teams. After the Cosmos mainnet went live in March 2019, Lunie spun out of All in Bits into its own company, Lunie International Software Systems, to offer Lunie as a primary user interface to the Cosmos Hub.

Since then, the ICF has engaged Lunie with service contracts to improve the Lunie wallet experience, to maintain it across Cosmos Hub upgrades, and to develop a browser extension and mobile application to complement the web-app, all of which are now available. They worked closely with Juan Leni and the Ledger team to improve the UX of the Ledger Nano app, and have written tutorials about how staking and governance work on the Cosmos Hub. A significant amount of time also went towards maintenance fixes due to breaking changes in Cosmos Hub upgrades. Hopefully, with help from things like the new upgrade module developed by Regen, this overhead will be reduced in the future.

Meanwhile, Lunie has been building its business by offering integration services for other Proof-of-Stake style blockchains, starting with Cosmos blockchains but expanding to the wider ecosystem as well. Application specific blockchains like those in the Cosmos ecosystem require UIs both for their application specific needs, but also to manage the underlying Proof-of-Stake economics, like staking, delegation, rewards, etc. Lunie handles all the staking-specific UI, so blockchain projects can focus on building the UI for their actual application. To date, Lunie has signed agreements with a number of Cosmos zones and other notable Proof of Stake projects, and are looking to expand further to establish a sustainable software business."







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