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"Ribbon finance is on mainnet with a strangle option strategy - an aggregator of Hegic and Opyn"


Audits & Exploits



  • From their blog (12-3-2021):

"As you can probably tell, there are a few pieces of this process that are more centralized:

  1. Managers have sole discretion over strike selection
  2. Managers and selected market makers decide on option prices off-chain (OTC).
  3. We have whitelisted specific market makers who we are partnering with

Although we are starting with this, we plan to decentralize these functions over time once the vaults are more battle tested on mainnet. For example:

  1. We plan to decentralize the function of the manager to a group of strategists that are voted on by the community, including better incentive mechanisms for encouraging good management of the vault
  2. We plan to open up the option buying function to anyone in the community through an auction-like mechanism, and remove whitelists."





Token Allocation


  • A governance token. From EthHub (1-6-2021):

"The RBN token aims to achieve the following goals: stewarding the development of the protocol, align incentives between Ribbon stakeholders, and unite all current and future Ribbon products under a single umbrella."

Other Details


Coin Distribution


  • Whitepaper can be found [insert here].
  • Code can be viewed [insert here].


  • Built on:

How it works



"Ribbon Finance announces the details of its V2 protocol, which offers an optimized vault system and improved decentralization guarantees."


Liquidity Mining



Other Details

Oracle Method

Privacy Method


Their Projects

"We are focused on products to tackle four broad categories of opportunities:

  1. Volatility. Products that let users long or short volatility of various cryptoassets for speculation or hedging purposes
  2. Yield Enhancement. Active and passive products that let users earn high yields (3-digit APY) by stacking yield-bearing instruments with writing options
  3. Principal Protection. Investment products that guarantee the user will get their money back, plus potential upside. These can be constructed through a combination of fixed-income products and options
  4. Accumulation. Products that let users accumulate their favourite assets over time, through strategies such as automated put option selling & reinvesting the yield into accumulating more assets"


"Today, we are launching Ribbon on mainnet, with the first product being a Strangle option, that lets users long ETH volatility. This product combines a put option and a call option at different strike prices, allowing investors to profit when the price of ETH goes above or beyond some thresholds.

To construct this Strangle, we source liquidity from the two foremost options protocols on Ethereum — Hegic and Opyn. Ribbon finds the cheapest prices on both venues for the put and call option, then purchases the options on the users’ behalf and packages them within a smart contract. This is the first multi-protocol option construction on Ethereum."

Theta Vaults

  • Contrary to the announcement, which already spoke about their 'first product', Ribbon Finance now says Theta Vaults are their first product (12-3-2021):

"The first product that Ribbon is creating is called a Theta Vault, which is a yield-focused strategy on ETH and WBTC. The first Theta Vault will run a covered call strategy, which earns yield on a weekly basis through writing out of the money covered calls and collecting the premiums. Theta Vaults in its present design relies on Opyn oTokens. oTokens are ERC20 token representations of an options contract, where each of them have a strike price and expiry. Owning oTokens is functionally equivalent to owning an options contract. This gives the oToken holder the right to redeem some amount of the underlying asset if the strike price is hit."

Ribbon Treasury

  • Basically the same as the Theta Vaults, but then catered towards DAO treasuries (2-11-2021).


  • Can be found [Insert link here].


Projects that use or built on it


Pros and Cons



"This @divdotvc analyst @_bridgeharris has made 652 $ETH and counting from @ribbonfinance airdrops, quite impressive. finding wallets like their's and copytrading them is probably the best way to make it tbh. the strat was just deposit .1 eth in ribbon theta vault 140 days ago but across many many wallets"

  • Divergence quickly released tweets saying they were in crypto for more than money, realized they went to far (dumping the farmed token directly into ETH) and that they would send the ETH to the Ribbon DAO.

Team, Funding, Partners


  • Full team can be found [here].
  • Julian Koh; co-founder & CEO




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