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  • Has links with the Ethereum Foundation since he was one of the signatories on a leaked Ethereum Foundation document about maintaining cohesion ahead of its (at the time pending) Constantinople, Create2 fork.
  • From The Defiant (30-11-2020):

"My background is in distributed systems, systems engineering, scalable backend type of infrastructure. Before getting into blockchain and Ethereum, I was at several startups here in California, one of them was doing video games streaming, not like Twitch but more platform streaming. It was a company called Gaikai, that's now a part of the PlayStation game streaming service.

After that, I was at a couple of other startups doing hotel backend software, but always on the side of the infrastructure behind it: how to keep these systems up and running, how to make sure that we're minimizing impact to users during updates and downtimes, and things like that. It was at that last company that I met one of my cofounders who, just as a water cooler topic, asked something that was like, how would you verify a piece of data that somebody gave you if you didn't actually trust this person? I joked around with him and said, are you interviewing somewhere? Is this like an interview question you want me to answer for you? He’s like, no, no, it's something that's really interesting going on in the Bitcoin space right now. 

I was aware of Bitcoin, I was following up but not heavily involved. He was the one that convinced me that I should be paying more attention to the space. I was getting a little bit bored at my current role, and I wanted to be closer to the R&D side of the industry, and it really seemed like a lot of people were fascinated and interested in the technology behind Bitcoin and what was starting to be called blockchain. I wanted to be a part of that and figure out what it could be used for. 

He was already acquainted with Joe Lubin, and he introduced me to Joe over a call. It was very informal. At the end of the call, Joe was saying like, do you want to join us, work at ConsenSys and find a product or project that you're interested in working on? Shortly after joining ConsenSys, I met a couple of other people who were equally interested in infrastructure and what infrastructure for blockchain could mean, and we started working on Infura almost immediately as initially an internal project for ConsenSys teams and then opening it up as a full-blown public offering."

