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How it works


  1. "The leader node (crown) proposes a block and waits to be verified by validating nodes.
  2. If 2/3 of the quorum is reached, the block is accepted into the blockchain.
  3. Following its acceptance, the new block is then broadcasted to all nodes.
  4. Honest, verified nodes will then reject all messages from nodes without PoW.
  5. Cypherium achieves scalability by electing the voting committee to separate PoW from the transaction verification process, with bandwidth limited only by the capacity of the individual nodes and latency limited only by the propagation time of the network."


"The Cypherium Virtual Machine revolutionizes smart contract technology with four notable innovations that improve the industry standard for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM):

  1. Dalvik Architecture.Instead of using the existing stack-based architecture, we use the register-based Java Dalvik architecture that was created for the Android OS, which is more lightweight and able to run on mobile devices.
  2. Faster data types. All EVM data types are based on 256-bit words. The Cypherium Virtual Machine supports native 64-bit integers, which is exponentially faster than EVM.
  3. Built-in safety checks. Cypherium performs Safemath safety checks at the virtual machine level, so vulnerabilities commonly found in EVM can be detected by CVM.
  4. Fixed-point representation is part of what enables low-cost, embedded chip-technology in payment cards, which is a crucial part of modern business transactions. Where traditional EVMs lack this technology, CVM does not."

Initial Mainnet Offering

Team, investors, partners, etc.

A 5 man team


Partners on their website (as of 9-2019)