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Revision as of 15:54, 4 September 2020

"Ok, if you can ignore the racism, homophobia and misogyny, as well as the obvious shills, then you’ll likely find some low cap gems you might not otherwise hear about. Although in reality you’ll most likely end up just buying Chainlink, because posts about LINK and founder Sergey probably make up half of 4chan traffic by this stage."

"Basically, it feels like we’re entering another 2017-like ICO mania except this time it’s going to be with tokens that are built on “ponzinomics” that try to hide behind the “DeFi token” brand to gain legitimacy. The /biz/ section (NSFW) on 4chan also plays a large role in getting these [DeFi ponzinomics] tokens on people’s radars by doing a few things. First, they’ll compare them to the other tokens that have pumped a lot recently to induce fomo. Then, they’ll start creating memes because, as I’ve explained before, meme magic is real. This will go on for a few days or weeks - just enough time for those perpetuating the token pump on 4chan to sell out just before the whole thing collapses. Don’t get me wrong though, 4chan is just one website of many where people go to find or shill these tokens (Telegram is also a popular tool for this)."