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Exit Scam

"TurtleDex, a file storage project on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), is believed to have pulled a rugpull exit scam yesterday when more than $2.4 million in funds were drained from trading pools on major BSC DeFi exchanges Ape Swap and Pancake Swap. TurtleDex launched on March 15, advertising itself as a DeFi storage platform to help users store data and files securely online. Its pre-sale that day raised 9000 BNB tokens, or about $2.4 million, in just two hours. TurtleDex’s entire online presence has vanished; its website is offline and the Telegram group’s admin’s accounts have been deleted, along with its Twitter account.

Jetfuel.Finance, a yield farming platform that partnered with TurtleDex, expressed its shock and dismay at the rug pull, tweeting, “We are just as shocked as everyone to see this unfold”"