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  • AKA RealToken
  • DeFi Assets
  • "Fractional and frictionless real estate investing"
  • "Real estate can’t directly be tokenized, but legal entities can. Each property is owned by a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC). Each LLC is tokenized to specific RealTokens and made available for purchase."



Balancer Integration

"RealT is actively exploring different possible architectures with an integration with Balancer. A few things still need to be fleshed out, such as maintaining legal compliance and the structure of the resulting offering. When depositing RealT properties into the RealT Balancer pool, the depositor is returned a new token that is a claim on the pool of assets deposited. This is also how Uniswap works. The RealT-Balancer Pool Token is a credit for any asset inside the RealT-Balancer Pool. This means that the RealT-Balancer Pool Token can go out into the rest of the DeFi ecosystem and be  collateral in MakerDAO, Compound, or any DeFi app that requires collateral.

The RealT Pool-token will have a market-cap of the total sum of assets inside RealT’s Balancer Pool. RealT properties can exist inside of Balancer, or out. For RealT property owners, Balancer is an opt-in integration on Ethereum. As a RealT property owner, you are never compelled to do anything you do not want to.

However, there are some pretty sweet perks for those that submit their RealT properties to the RealT Balancer pool. The main benefit is having exposure to the trading fees that the RealT-Balancer pool charges."





"While this roadmap still needs blessing by legal, here is the general strategy for getting RealT properties inside MakerDAO:

  1. Migrate all real estate assets inside Uniswap into a single Balancer pool
  2. Increase the Balancer exchange fee to something more lucrative for liquidity providers, in order to incentivize further deposits from RealT property owners 
  3. The total available market-cap of the RealT-Balancer Pool Token increases with further deposits
  4. RealT combines the liquidity of the 6 fractured Uniswap-RealT markets into a single RealT-Balancer Pool Token : DAI exchange
  5. RealT works with individual DeFi teams like MakerDAO/Compound to accept the RealT Pool-token as Collateral inside of DeFi

Before RealT properties become collateral inside MakerDAO, MKR holders have to vote-in and accept the RealT-Balancer Pool Token as collateral. However, there are levers and dials available that can help make the RealT-Balancer Pool Token a compelling collateral type for MakerDAO. 

MakerDAO is designed to be able to accept any collateral type, no matter how terrible the collateral is. Terrible collaterals simply have very restrictive risk parameters: low-debt ceiling, high stability fees etc. This is what shields DAI from the downside risk of a collateral. 

Good collaterals, however, are able to negotiate much better risk parameters from MKR governance. The more liquidity and market capitalization that the RealT-Balancer Pool Token can achieve, the better risk parameters it is able to negotiate with MKR holders. It is RealT’s job to create the best possible collateral characteristics for the RealT-Balancer Pool Token." 


"RealT sends out rent on a 24-hr cycle; something only possible with a robust ecosystem of liquid stablecoins and fast block-times. It’s also nice that Ethereum actually has users, unlike other smart-contract protocols. RealT sends out $300 / day to users through the Ethereum ecosystem, and it’s growing rapidly. (That’s over $10,000k per month!)

With $1M+ in total assets issued on the network, the pool of available collateral is growing. Larger and larger properties across different US cities are on the roadmap for future issuance on RealT’s platform.

RealT has 6 properties in 6 different Uniswap exchanges.

  1. Marlowe: 56.7 ETH
  2. Fullerton: 67.0 ETH
  3. Audubon: 50.7 ETH
  4. Patton: 124.9 ETH
  5. Appoline: 157.0 ETH
  6. Lesure 64.0 ETH

There is 520 total ETH providing liquidity to 6 different RealT markets. Because of Uniswap’s 1:1 market design, the total liquidity of 520 ETH ($70,000+) is fractured into 6 different markets. 

This represents the most significant hurdle for RealT assets inside of MakerDAO and other DeFi applications: Individual properties are too cumbersome and illiquid to be viable collateral." 

Pros and Cons

Team, investors, Partnerships, etc.


  • "RealT is a union of seasoned real estate and blockchain industry executives, along with marketing, ecommerce and technology experts. Together, we are executing our collective vision to create a new real estate ownership experience."

